Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Owls Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on primed (gesso) cardboard
Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadius)
Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on primed (gesso) cardboard
9" x 12" (with 6" x 9 " oval)

Owl found in the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree.

Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Owls Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on primed (gesso) cardboard
Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadius)
Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on primed (gesso) cardboard
9" x 12" (with 6" x 9 " oval)

Owl found in the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree.
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Owls Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
Whooooooooo Me? BLAKISTON'S FISH OWL (Bubo blakistoni)
Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
18" x 24"

BLAKISTON'S FISH OWL (Bubo blakistoni) the LARGEST species of OWL ( over 40 " high, 36" wingspan, weighing up to 10 lbs.) found in northeastern Asia (from Japan to Siberia). It's chief diet is the Masu Salmon ( Onchorhynchus masou) also of northeastern Asia, and shares part of its range with the Amur (Siberian) Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica).
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Owls Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
Whooooooooo Me? BLAKISTON'S FISH OWL (Bubo blakistoni)
Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
18" x 24"

BLAKISTON'S FISH OWL (Bubo blakistoni) the LARGEST species of OWL ( over 40 " high, 36" wingspan, weighing up to 10 lbs.) found in northeastern Asia (from Japan to Siberia). It's chief diet is the Masu Salmon ( Onchorhynchus masou) also of northeastern Asia, and shares part of its range with the Amur (Siberian) Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica).
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Owls mixed media (ink, watercolor, tempera) on illustration board
(male) Snowy Owl (Nyctea scandiaca)
mixed media (ink, watercolor, tempera) on illustration board
16" x 20 "
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Owls acrylic on Plexiglas
Sold DotScreech Owl (Otus asio)
acrylic on Plexiglas
6" x 16"
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Owls Mixed media (ink, watercolor,tempera,oil pastel)
"Burrowing Owls" (Speotyto cunicularia)
Mixed media (ink, watercolor,tempera,oil pastel)
(Framed : 17" x 19") 11" x 14" (with 8" diameter circle)
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Owls mixed media on paper
Snowy Owl -- Nyctea scandiaca
mixed media on paper
12" x 24" framed (9" x 21")
Fred Adell - Wildlife Artist Owls mixed media on paper
Great Horned Owl - Bubo virginianus
mixed media on paper
24" x 30" framed (18" x 24")