Birds > Owls
Whooooooooo Me? BLAKISTON'S FISH OWL (Bubo blakistoni)
Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
18" x 24"
Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
18" x 24"
BLAKISTON'S FISH OWL (Bubo blakistoni) the LARGEST species of OWL ( over 40 " high, 36" wingspan, weighing up to 10 lbs.) found in northeastern Asia (from Japan to Siberia). It's chief diet is the Masu Salmon ( Onchorhynchus masou) also of northeastern Asia, and shares part of its range with the Amur (Siberian) Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica).
Whooooooooo Me? BLAKISTON'S FISH OWL (Bubo blakistoni)
Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
18" x 24"
Mixed Media (Ink, watercolor, tempera) on watercolor paper
18" x 24"
BLAKISTON'S FISH OWL (Bubo blakistoni) the LARGEST species of OWL ( over 40 " high, 36" wingspan, weighing up to 10 lbs.) found in northeastern Asia (from Japan to Siberia). It's chief diet is the Masu Salmon ( Onchorhynchus masou) also of northeastern Asia, and shares part of its range with the Amur (Siberian) Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica).